Wilson Benesch – once in a lifetime ...

Are you also looking for the perfect sound? Do you also study the trade press in search of innovative new products? The sound that gives you goosebumps and raises the hairs on the back of your neck? We have good news! Perhaps your search has come to an end.

Just as you never tire of your search, the Wilson Benesch research team questions existing technical solutions and pushes new approaches forward, always on the pulse of the times and what is feasible. Never as an end in itself, but always with the goal of once again surpassing what has been achieved so far. True-to-nature music reproduction is always at the center of all research.

Wilson Benesch speakers are among the very rare, highly musical geniuses that can accurately reproduce even the finest nuances in music. Exceptionally homogeneous over the entire frequency range, they are equipped with a dynamic range that is second to none and the spatial imaging is more than impressive. A dream for the audiophile gourmet. Dream with us!

The company has grown over three decades from a small start-up with modest resources to a manufacturer with a vertical integration that is not possible for many brands in the world market. Let yourself be enchanted by the possibilities that carbon fibers offer with perfect processing. Chassis with outstanding low resonance that effectively suppress standing waves.


Wilson Benesch mission and history